Quality Travel Travelspeak - Summer 2014 - page 11

Theexceptionally luxuriousGranMeliá Palaciode Isora
Resort issetamongstoneofthemostbeautiful locations
on Tenerife. WithMount Teide towering behind as a
backdrop, thepropertyboastssuperbpanoramicviews
of theAtlanticOceanand the islandofLaGomera.
RedLevel, set in a separate part of the resort, is
designed for adultsonly (over 18) andoffersachoice
ofdemi suitesandmagnificentvillas.RedLevelguests
enjoyexclusiveaccess to theRedLevel Lounge,butler
and concierge service, exclusive access to the
RedLevel swimming pool, and preferential
reservations for the resort’sa lacarte restaurants.
The state of the art Yhi Spa and Health Club offers
numeroushealthandwell-being treatments and there
is avarietyof activities andentertainment in the resort
whichRedLevelguestsarewelcome toenjoy.
GranMeliá Fénix
, Madrid
Renovatedwith a striking combinationof art, colour
and style, GranMeliá Colón is located in the historic
old quarter of Seville, in the heart of the shopping
area, five minutes walking distance from the city’s
most importantmonumentsandattractions,including
the world’s oldest bullfighting ring, LaMaestranza,
and five minutes driving distance from the World
TradeCentreof LaCartuja.
GranMeliáColón featureschicminimalistguestrooms
and suites with red and gold tones, award-winning
contemporary furnishings that marry modern and
traditional aesthetics, and bold finishes to give the
surroundings a sophisticated, Spanish atmosphere.
Each floor of thehotel celebrates adifferent Spanish
artist, fromElGreco toGoya.
, Seville
Historical featuresandcontemporary touches
Just threeminutesaway fromCalleSerrano,oneof thebest
shopping districts in Spain, and 10 minutes away from
world famous museums, Gran Meliá Fénix sits in a
seeminglyperfect spot in themiddleofMadrid.
An impressive lobbywithmarble floors, antique furniture,
andastained-glassdomeceilingdefine thestyle. Spacious
rooms are decorated in reds and golds, flowers abound,
and thehappening “DRYCosmopolitanBarbyJavierde las
Muelas”extendsontoa large terraceoverlookingPlazade
Colónon theCastellana.
Theseareonlya fewoptions thatMeliáHotels Internationalputsatyourdisposal.Withmore than350hotels in35countriesand fourcontinents, theSpanish
hotel chainscaters forall travellersunder itseightbrands:Meliá,GranMeliá,MEbyMeliá,Paradisus, INNSIDE,TRYPbyWyndham,Sol,andClubMeliá.
Palaciode IsoraResort,
Adult-only indulgenceandpampering
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